Just Breathe


  • Welcome to today's meditation. Just breathe. Before we begin, let's take a moment to reflect on breathing. Air, like everything else, is a spirit. When we breathe it in, we merge with the air spirit, renewing and revitalizing both. The act goes beyond an automatic function. When we breathe with awareness, wisdom unfolds in the simplest things.

    Imagine you are an air spirit entering the nose and gliding through the nasal passages. The tiny hairs, called cilia, and the mucus lining act like a protective meadow, filtering out dust, pathogens, and other particles the human body doesn't need. As you delve deeper, you travel down the windpipe, trachea, and into the bronchi, which split into two paths, one leading to each lung.

    In the lungs, you reach smaller and smaller branches until you arrive at tiny air sacs called alveoli, each surrounded by a delicate web of tiny blood vessels called capillaries. Here, you release your oxygen through the thin walls of the alveoli into the bloodstream, while picking up carbon dioxide, a byproduct of cellular metabolism.

    With this carbon dioxide, you then journey back up through the windpipe and out of the human body, helping cleanse and refresh the system. Meanwhile, the oxygen part of you is carried through the pulmonary veins to the heart, which pumps you through the arteries to every organ, tissue, and cell of the body. As you infuse each cell, you sustain the human's life by fueling cellular processes, providing energy, and maintaining balance.

    Now, take a deep breath. For the next 15 minutes, be aware of your breath. Notice every small sensation. If thoughts come up, let them pass, and gently return your focus to breathing. The more you bring your attention back, the easier it becomes. And remember, stay open. Each experience reveals something new, no matter how many times you practice.

    Now, gently bring your awareness back to the space around you. Take a moment to honor your practice today. Thank yourself for taking the time to care for yourself. When you're ready, open your eyes, carrying this sense of awareness and peace with you.

    Thank you for joining today's meditation with Stone Soup Grimoire. May your breath continue to guide and renew you.


Fire Dragon


Dragon’s Gift