Dream Sprout
Hi, welcome to Stone Soup Grimoire, your portal to magical living, where boundless imagination reshapes reality and expands awareness.
Today's meditation session is designed to guide you through the process of manifesting, turning thoughts into reality, a fundamental principle of human cognition and experience. In Greek, this concept is called εκδηλώνω, meaning to reveal or make apparent.
We will venture into a mystical realm where the Harmonia nectarine plant thrives. This plant, celebrated for its watery essence, enhances our emotions and amplifies our feelings. Starting with a single thought or desire, we will engage each of our chakras with the plant's nectar, cleansing and balancing our energy centers. By clearing blockages and intensifying the emotions connected to our desires, we attract similar thoughts and emotions, which then manifest into reality through inspired actions. The intention is to cultivate our desires with emotions and trust the universe to allow them to blossom.
To enhance your experience, you may pause now and write down your wish. Keep it simple for the first time, knowing that you can always return to this meditation and manifest more. You can also visit the website for more guidance at stonesoupgrimoire.com.
When you are ready, find a comfortable space, close your eyes, and let's begin.
Take a deep breath in, feel your energies gathering and returning to your body. Hold it. And release the energies that don't belong to you back to the universe. Take another deep breath in, feel the air entering your nose and fill your lungs. Hold it. And let it out slowly, feeling your tension melt away.
Take one more deep breath in, sense the freshness immerse your organs and cleanse your cells. Hold it. And breathe out, releasing blockages stored in your body.
With each breath, feel your body more relaxed. In your mind's eye, you are floating in a galaxy. Stars glitter all around, twinkling. You look down towards your toes and notice your whole body is enveloped in the shimmering light of the stars. The stars begin to move, cascading like rain across the galaxy. The radiant light sweeps past your vision and drifts toward the boundless horizon.
You feel a profound connection to this cosmic energy. Taking a moment, you close your palms and make a heartfelt wish, praying for the universe to grant it. Then, magically, the universe seems to respond to your prayer as the stars start to pulsate, incoherent, gathering around your body. The universe rewards those who are brave enough to pursue their dreams. The thought echoes in your mind.
When the stars touch your skin, you feel tingling sensations like waves of electricity passing through your skin, your organs, and your cells. Your whole body begins to glow in white. The light emits from you and starts to expand.
You are now lying on a meadow within an ethereal forest. The sunlight has a purple tint, and the trees and plants are not green. You feel safe and relaxed. Taking a deep breath in, you notice a sweet scent in the air and turn your head to look for the source, and you find a unique plant-like living organism. At its core, the plant has a purple, central, elongated structure, reminiscent of a floral stem, with its base resembling an insect's belly, reminding you of a butterfly.
It is flanked by symmetrically arranged leaves and clustered bead formations that exhibit vibrant hues of yellow, purple, and pink. The leaves of the plants are shaped like crab claws and seem to possess their own consciousness. They are sensing the air around them like you did, and then they become aware of your presence, turning toward you.
As you reach out a finger and touch the closest leaf, a remarkable sensation occurs, as if the stars within your cells ignite, lighting up with a brilliant inner glow. An instant download of information about the species floods into your mind. The plant, known as Harmonia nectarine, also revered as the dream sprout, has a mystical ability to help you attract and manifest your dreams by amplifying your emotions.
Your wish emerges in your mind. What is your wish? How would it feel if your wish were granted? Would you do things differently? Imagine every detail of your life with this wish fulfilled. What do you see, hear, and feel?
The dream sprout begins to secrete its nectar-like golden juices. It gathers into a stream and slowly begins to flow, free of gravity, through the sky. The purple sunlight passes through its translucent liquid body, with light particles refracting and bouncing around.
As it touches the skin of your feet, you feel the warmth and its texture—thick, smooth, and slightly sticky, soothing and relaxing. The nectar continues its ascent, slowly enveloping your feet, your calves, your thighs, and your hips. You feel your muscles unwind and a profound calm permeates you.
The dark red light emitted from the nectar makes you feel safe and secure. Now, take a moment to scan your body and see if there is any blockage stored in it. Feel the nectar drawing these lower vibrations out of your body. As these vibrations manifest into steam, emerging and rising from you, you feel freer and freer.
You feel safe to be in your body. You feel secure, and trust begins to develop within you. Your desire is ready to take root in reality.
You feel the nectar moving, flowing toward your lower abdomen, and a surge of bravery instantly infuses your entire body. Courage and love mingle together. A gentle fire of passion ignites. Its color is bright and is of reddish-orange, awakening your true self from deep within. You feel excited and passionate. You feel brave and connected, knowing that if you really want something, the whole universe will conspire to help you.
Feel the bubbling sensation of the nectar, elevating your energy higher and higher. The excitement, the passion, the courage, and the love. Waves of energy resonate within your being. Your desire begins to take root.
The nectar expands toward your upper belly, transforming into a bright yellow, radiating from your upper abdomen, and spreading to every part of your body. The light is vibrant. Its energy is like laughter. It vibrates and tickles you, making you smile and giggle. It sparks a sense of wonder and excitement for the endless possibilities in you, making you feel lighthearted and carefree.
Feel the tickles of curiosity, the root of greater explorations and profound experiences. Feel the sparkling energy of joy, the sensation of manifesting your desires. Your desire starts sprouting.
The nectar now gently covers your chest area. You feel an expansion radiating from your heart as the light emanating from the nectar turns green. Let your heart lead the way. Let your intuition guide you. Sense your heart, feel its expansion, attracting more uplifting emotions and higher energies.
You feel at peace. You feel empowered. You feel freed.
As these high vibrational energies immerse you, you hear something click inside you. The resistance is released. You are open to the blessings from the universe. Experience the expansion of your heart. Feel the connectedness of all things.
You feel your desire growing stronger and stronger, with your heart pumping life force into it. The nectar reaches your throat. You feel a boost of confidence. The light of the nectar turns blue, circulating around your neck, encouraging you to speak your truth and express yourself.
Ektelono, the Greek word for manifestation, meaning to reveal or make apparent, is your magic word. Say the magic word and say your desire in your mind or out loud, said the dream sprout. Ektelono, what is your desire?
You sense the roots of your desire growing deeper and wider. Ektelono, say your desire again. You feel the core of your desire becoming stronger and stronger. Ektelono, sing your desire with your heart one more time. You see your desire manifesting. Ektelono, your magic word. Every time you think or speak of the word, you are getting closer to realizing your desire.
The nectar slowly comes to your face, covering your ears, your eyes, and your forehead. The world takes on the color of indigo as your vision submerges within the bubble of the nectar. It feels as if you are facing a mirror. Its inner surface reflects yourself—the you that already has your desire manifest.
Your perception expands. You hear the tune of your desire, sweet like fragrance fills the air. The richness tasted on the tongue. Dreams, their vibrant dance begun. Every wish, as it's fulfilled, toward the dream life quietly built.
All of your senses combine, your vision expands beyond vision, beyond the physical.
The nectar covers the top of your head. Your whole being is now immersed in the nectar. As the color of the light gradually turns purple, you release the expectation of time and how your desire will manifest.
Your awareness expands. Feeling that your desires and your dream life are yourself, you delve deep into your being and discover the truth you seek. Now, spend some time feeling the life force within you. Give yourself permission to live your dream life, living with yourself and your desires.
The light of the nectar begins to pulsate as you slowly absorb it into your being, changing from purple to indigo, to blue, to green, to yellow, to orange, and finally to red.
The sky grows darker. The stars once again appear. You are transported back to the galaxy, feeling even more connected to this cosmic energy than before. And you are ready to return to Earth, renewed and transformed. The dream life you seek blossoms with each of your smallest desires fulfilled. As the sensation of manifesting your desire awakens, with each inhalation and exhalation, you draw closer to bringing your dream life into reality.
Take a deep breath in and exhale slowly. Open your eyes. You are now back on Earth. Thank yourself for taking care of your needs and validating your desires.
Digital Talisman
When you connect with an image and realize its power to shift your reality, it becomes magical.
How to activate the talisman?
Cultivate Emotion: Visualize your dream as if it has already come true while gazing at the talisman.
Set as a Reminder: Use the talisman as your wallpaper or print it where you'll see it daily.
Feel the Energy: Every time you see the talisman, let it remind you of the emotions tied to your dream.
Inspired Actions: Relax and follow through with inspired actions.
How to download the talisman?
Right-click on the image (or long-press on mobile) to save it.
Enjoy using the talisman in your meditation! Feel free to leave a comment and share how it helps you manifest your dreams.